Radio Merseywaves 1242 Khz. (See Also RMW Pirate File) Merseywaves ran from 1984 to about 1991 and had the best quality signal and modulation out of all the free radio stations on the Medium Wave. We joined it in March to May 1985. I did a regular show on Saturday mornings 1000 to 1200 and Tom Webb did 1200 to 1400. We played everything from oldies to top 40 stuff. The then station manager Paul Henderson, didn't like us playing our own jingles because it "ruined the format" and after 'discussions' with him and Bert Williams, we decided to leave and go to Central Radio DJ's from Storeton Community Radio later joined the station and it became very popular but when they decided to go 7 days a week, they were raided but managed to return several times using different locations etc. They also used to have nights out at clubs to raise money to pay for equipment etc. Bert Williams started Merseywaves on FM in the early '90's on 99.9 and various other frequencies but it didn't seem to take off and was eventually raided. Bert Williams himself was actually prosecuted after being seen going to the location to change tapes He reckons he was traced through the registration number of his car. The colour pictures below were taken in May 1985
The station manager was Paul Henderson who is seen here at the controls.
Tom Webb did his Saturday show from 1200 to 1400.
Jim Lowe, Mark Newman and Billy from Security on security duty
This RMW security staff photo was achieved by leaning out of the window whilst holding onto the window frame by one hand on the 10th floor.
Later on in 1986, Mark Newman became the station manager and is seen here in a Liverpool Echo article with DJ Charles.